CEH Committees & Governance Structure

The Committee to End Homelessness governance structure calls for three bodies, each with a distinct role and responsibility. The Governing Board, Funders Group, Interagency Council and Consumer Advisory Council interact with and support each other in carrying out the implementation of the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness in King County. Their work is augmented by other committees and workgroups.

A staff of two and one half provides support to these committees. Leadership for implementing the plan is provided by the King County Department of Community and Human Services and funded in collaboration with the City of Seattle, United Way of King County and others.

Also See:

Governing Board Interagency Council Funders Group Consumer Advisory Council
Made up of more than 20 leaders who provide high-level oversight. The Governing Board shapes and sustains the vision and leadership of the plan. More specifically, they guide planning, coordinate current funding, and work to create additional resources. Members include business, foundations, faith, elected officials and other community leaders from throughout King County, and two individuals who have experienced homelessness. Made up of executive and department directors from many of the entities working to end homelessness in King County. The council designs changes to current programs; coordinates data collection, analysis and reporting; recommends policy direction to the Governing Board; and creates ways to better serve people experiencing homelessness. Members include business, faith community, non-profit housing developers and agency directors from service providers and advocates throughout King County and two individuals who have experienced homelessness. The Funders Group coordinates their respective priorities, deliverables and time lines. Members include department directors and executive directors from King County, City of Seattle, King County Housing Authority, Seattle Housing Authority, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Building Changes, United Way of King County and suburban cities representatives. Comprised of people who are currently homeless or who have experienced homelessness in the past. Council members provide needed expertise in understanding how people access services while representing the broad interests and needs of homeless people countywide. Representatives include homeless families, adults, veterans, youth, foster children, and people who have experienced homelessness and housing barriers in every region in the County.

Additional CEHKC committees and workgroups

  • Three Population Committees integrate housing and services solutions for 1) single adults, 2) families and 3) young adults. Each of the committees focus on providing a strategic response to ending homelessness related to their target population.
  • The South King County Forum on Homelessness and Eastside Homelessness Advisory Committee identify regional solutions in keeping with local needs and priorities.